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INTO SCHOOL is Finland's Most Exciting International Playschool – Created by
Three Men!

INTO SCHOOL International Playschools are located in Kauppakeskus Hertsi in Herttoniemi and in Vattuniemi, Lauttasaari – just a few minutes from the centre of Helsinki but close to forest, beach and inspiring sea views!

All children aged 1 to 6 are welcome to join our playschools! In addition to early childhood education, we offer pre-primary education.


We accept applications all year long, and spots are granted space permitting.

Our teaching is in English and Finnish and builds on our award-winning INTO SCHOOL concept, a method that we have developed and used successfully for several years in a number of different countries and with age groups ranging from preschoolers to adults.

Our pedagogical approach makes creativity and music key parts of our children’s daily activity, as well as emphasising STEAMS education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, Sports). Children at our preschool enjoy an atmosphere resonant with inspiration, where curiosity and courage are valued and the children are encouraged to be the storytellers and music makers.

Children spend a minimum of one and a half hours outside every day, directly experiencing and interacting with the beautiful nature that surrounds us. 
In our preschool, the INTO SCHOOL concept equips all children with the skills, tools and confidence to discover and express their creativity, and to healthily and safely experience and process their emotions.

Just as it is a point of heartfelt principle of ours to take the best possible care of our young learners, of their development and growth, and of the environment that we share – we also extend this responsibility to the welfare, development and contentment of our staff. We strive to ensure that they feel valued and enjoy the work that we undertake together as a Team.

At INTO SCHOOL we are proud of the genuine teamwork amongst our dedicated, educated, experienced, loving and compassionate staff. Our hard-working multicultural team is representative of the diversity across the globe, which adds to the richness of our organization as well as the learning environment.

Our goal is to maintain whenever possible a reliable INTO SCHOOL Continuity of Care model in which there is a consistency of adults in each group and each season. 

Welcome to INTO SCHOOL – Unlocking Creativity In Everyone!


Our child started at the INTO SCHOOL in February 2021. The start and the introduction period were well organized, there was enough information, as well as individual support and attention. From day one, we have had confidence in 


Salla Komulainen



The co-operation with the playschool is seamless and close, and potential challenges have been addressed together. In addition, the location and facilities of the INTO SCHOOL are the best.

The best thing about INTO SCHOOL is definitely the new friends and the wonderful, committed and professional staff, whose contribution we greatly appreciate.


The atmosphere at INTO SCHOOL is positive and encouraging, each child is encountered as an individual. Our child enjoys a variety of activities, especially music and art subjects. Linguistic development has taken great strides forward in six months, and I believe that an encouraging and creative environment will have a positive impact on this.











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kaksikielinen päiväkoti

Welcome to INTO SCHOOL!

You can visit our play schools on site and talk to our staff.  Contact us, and together we will find the best solution for your family!

Nataly von Deringer, Pedagogical Expert

+358 44 363 6617

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kaksikielinen päiväkoti
kaksikielinen päiväkoti
kaksikielinen päiväkoti

INTO SCHOOL Lauttasaari           INTO SCHOOL Herttoniemi
Itälahdenkatu 2                              Linnanrakentajantie 2

00210 Helsinki                               00880 Helsinki

Opening Hours

7.30 – 17.00

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